英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 10:46:32

be off

英 [bi: ɔf]

美 [bi ɔf]

  • 网络解释

1. be off的翻译

1. 走吧;滚蛋:be nuts 傻里傻气 | be off 走吧;滚蛋 | Be off! 滚开!

2. 滚开:be off 走吧;滚蛋 | Be off! 滚开! | be on the wagon 喝酒

3. be off的翻译

3. 离开;走开:be made from 由......制成;由......构成 | be off 离开;走开 | be proud of 为......感到骄傲;为......感到自豪

4. 不再喜欢:on behalf of 代表 | be off 不再喜欢 | response rate 回收率

Well, I'd better be off. Good day to you.(好啦,我该走了。再会。)
The establishment seems to be off on another quest for fool's gold.(该机构看似又要重蹈覆辙。)
Security officials would also be off the hook.(负责安全的官员们也应该能摆脱责任。)
Now, stop swaggering and arguing, and be off!(好了,别再大摇大摆地和我争论了,走吧!)
The rhythms would be off.(节奏可能会消失。)
Well, now, I must be off.(好了,现在我得走了。)
"Be off with you," said jean Valjean.(“您走吧。”冉阿让说。)
"Now we must be off," said Hansel, "that we may get out of the witch's forest."(“现在我们必须离开,”汉赛尔说,“这样我们才能离开女巫的森林。”)
"Here, you two youngsters be off home to your mother," said the Badger kindly.(“喂,你们两个小家伙回家去找妈妈去吧。”獾子班杰温和地说。)
Whoops, it's past 11, I'd better be off home.(哎呀,11点多了,我该准备回家了。)
be off是什么意思 be off在线翻译 be off什么意思 be off的意思 be off的翻译 be off的解释 be off的发音 be off的同义词